Foundation Training Bodynamic®
Our development programs are designed to support your personal and professional growth. We offer a wide range of training and workshops to help you better understand yourself, develop your skills, and reach your full potential in various areas of life. Join us and discover new self-development opportunities brought from abroad as a certified education system.

What is the traditional international path in Bodynamic® education?
Training in Bodynamic® can take place in various ways depending on individual interest and available time. The training can be completed gradually. Training in the field of "Shock Trauma" and workshops can take place concurrently with Foundation, Practitioner, and Specialist courses.
The average duration of completing each training level: Foundation: 18 days (over 1 year), Practitioner: 75 days (over 3 years), Specialist Classes: approximately 28 days, Shock Trauma: 30 days (over approximately 1.5 years). Workshops are independent of the standard training and certification in the Bodynamic® method.

The Bodynamic® program is a 4-year educational process that includes the first year of Foundation training and three years of Practitioner training. The goal is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge, personal development, and an understanding of character structure, working with shock and trauma (PTSD), and their ability to address clients' current issues. Students learn to create basic Bodynamic maps, utilize various therapeutic models, and acquire skills for working with individuals and groups, including discussions with experts from other therapeutic approaches.
Foundation Training
Foundation Training The foundation training is aimed at practising therapists who have completed a degree or a corresponding psychotherapy training, in particular psychologists, dream therapists, craniosacral therapists, body therapists and body psychotherapists, as well as practitioners of other healing professions such as naturopaths, osteopaths, etc.
Development of Character Structures | The focus is on the development of character structures by addressing specific needs and challenges in individual phases of human development (existence, autonomy, etc.). Bodynamic has developed a unique differentiated model of character structures based on 25 years of empirical study, which describes child development in 7 phases from the 2nd trimester in the womb to the 13th year of life.
Role of Developmental Trauma | Developmental trauma plays a decisive role in the development and creation of these structures. This term was introduced and used by Lisbeth Marcher even before it was popularized by Bessel van der Kolk, one of the leading American psychiatrists in the field of trauma and its effects.
Loss of Self | Developmental trauma emerges when a child experiences massive and persistent rejection, neglect, etc., by parents, in the context of the central needs of a developmental phase. This means that the child may not develop central aspects of their self or may end up abandoning them altogether.
Body Ego | In early childhood, the child experiences the external world primarily through their body (body ego) and its movements. In addition to physical milestones such as crawling, sitting, standing, and walking, the child must learn various movement patterns.
Character Types and Positions | In this training, you will learn how a child moves through individual phases by developing motor skills and the voluntary use of muscles and muscle tone to respond to specific external developmental challenges. Correspondingly, body and character structures are formed that are either more hypotonic (early) or hypertonic (late) types, each requiring a different therapeutic approach.
These create a characteristic body posture and corresponding expression, mimicry, etc. As part of the training curriculum, we explore the ability to recognize and "read" these embodied character structures. This allows you to enter into age-specific "resonance" with the client and integrate these respective resources optimally into the healing process.
In addition, this training provides various specific body exercises and techniques, as well as knowledge that allows you to work more precisely, effectively, and efficiently with the traumatization of clients.
Practitioner Training
This training is designed to achieve certification as a professional Bodynamic body psychotherapist. It is integrated and utilized in other forms of psychotherapy, bodywork, social work, business consulting, and in the field of mental health for those who wish to expand their knowledge and precision through learning the muscle coding system.
The training is evaluated in Denmark by Reflektor, a company that ensures quality for the healthcare sector. Participation in the Practitioner training requires completion of the Foundation training.
During the three-year training, you will learn and experience how bodywork affects ego functions through the body, based on understanding which muscles help us to: maintain our stance, stand our ground, stay connected, develop cognitive abilities, express personality, manage and utilize energy, maintain space, perceive and express gender identity, experience self-confidence and self-esteem, maintain social balance and contact with others, and develop the ability to create contacts.
These abilities did not develop from the mind into the body, but rather from the body into the mind. Grasping precedes understanding. During our development, we interact with the external world through our senses and emotions, mirroring the movements of the adults around us. In Bodynamic, this is called body ego. Our cognitive abilities develop and muscles grow through neurofeedback from our experiences. Thus, a deep coding system is created in our muscle tissues, which can lead to closed or open codings.
In the training, functional anatomy is taught in combination with ego functions. We will explore the psychological and anatomical functions for 125 muscles. Each muscle supports a specific anatomical function and is directly connected to our psychological abilities. For example, without the erector spinae muscles, we would not be able to stand upright, and on a psychological level, this muscle supports our ability to hold our stance in the world. It functions in the same way on both an anatomical and psychological level.
Throughout life, we learn to defend our dignity and mutual connection by either fighting or giving up, hoping to maintain as much contact as possible while losing as little of ourselves as possible. However, there are often ego skills within the family that are never taught to younger members. This creates a unique mosaic of hyper-, hypo-, and neutral muscle responses in our body. During the training, you will learn how to find and test muscles at different levels of response in a person. After completing the training, you will be able to create a small body map, which will allow you to approach clients more precisely and support specific areas of their ego functions that need to be developed, strengthened, or made more flexible.
The training also includes group dynamics, conflict resolution techniques, active listening, and mechanisms of creative dialogue.
For more information click on the website Bodynamic International